Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fish Head Curry Singapore

After the singular notes of pepper we headed to the Banana Leaf restaurant in Little India for a taste of Fish Head Curry. Fish head curry is a dish that was born of Chinese and Indian origins in which the head of an Ikan Merah or Red fish (red snapper) slow cooked in a stew like thick curry enriched with an assortment of vegetables like okra and brinjals, flavoured with the tangy notes of tamarind. Fish head curry in its orange gravy is usually eaten with rice, bread and papadams. We also had Pepper mutton fry, Prawn masalla and Chicken curry. What was charming to see was that at 4 in the afternoon when we droped in there was a full house. And it wasn't just Indians, chinese, Malay and even American people were savouring their Fish head curry!
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