A Foodle after a long, long time!
Inspiration to create can come from anywhere… and also catch one TOTALLY by surprise... A beautiful meal I recently ate, got me inspired to #Foodle again. And I thought that something this momentous deserved a blogpost too, so… here we are!
I have a lot happening in my life, and off late, I've made some big decisions, had some sad things bring me down. I took time out, used the pre-Diwali time
to de-clutter; my home, my life, my emotional and creative mind-space and just rejuvenate. I'v actively sought out people, and things that make me feel happy. And it all seems to be bearing fruit already!
Last Sunday I finally made it (been wanting to go for ages)
to my friend Amrita’s most recent pop-up. Themed on the Sharad Ritu or Indian Autumn this
was a seven-course Ayurvedic lunch, using seasonal ingredients sourced from
local markets and farmers and took place at the all new The Classroom by La
Folie (which is pretty cool too BTW).
According to Amrita,"Everything can be Ayurveda if you
apply the principles correctly, and make it something we can relate to." Ayurveda says that the Indian monsoons, leaves a lot of Pitta or heat
in its wake. "The sun is directed on us and Pitta is high all around, in nature, and in us." To counter this, Ayurveda suggests Pitta balancing
foods. "The premise is simple. All creations are made of 5 elements
including humans. These elements vary in different people based on our own
dosha and prakriti (nature). We can balance our doshas with diet. Sharad is
when we need immunity building foods, it is the perfect time to incorporate and
acclimatize to foods that will come into season in the winter."
In keeping with this philosophy, her Sharad menu she
was made up of grounding, cooling foods,
using seasonal ingredients such as Kashmiri Apples, Sitaphal, Baalam (a large
Indian Cucumber indigenous to parts of India), fresh Singhada (Water Chestnuts)
supplemented by indigenous grains and wild greens and vegetables from the
Sahyadris, supplied by Triple OOO, Vrindavan and Offerings Farms. The meal stared with a chatpatta Green Apple
Panna. Then came six courses served up with stories by Amrita.
Vanvaas was the first course, and it was dessert! No I'm not
kidding! "Ayurveda recommends dessert first, as it is the hardest to
digest. This plate is inspired by Ramayana and the way Sita, Ram and Laxman ate
during their legendary Vanvas (exile). Sita was sad and refused to eat but
loved Sitafal which is also cooling so there is a Spiced Sitaphal Cake, and it
is said that while she was captive, Indra sent her Payasam, so there is a Black
Rice Payasam inspired by that and a smidgen of Chavanprash to represent the
Sanjeevani Booti.” Whipped coconut cream, kand chips and crisp poha finished
the plate. And I ate it all for once! Because it had all the good stuff. I was
not terribly enamoured of the Chavanprash bit of it, but the rest of it, especially
that Sitaphal cake was worth every footstep I counted later!

Then came Baalam a course meant to hydrate the system.
"Baalam kakdi are giant cucumber that are in season now, there are two
main types, one form Jhaaba and another from Sailana, they are soft and sweet
(unlike regular cucumbers) and super hydrating. Ideal for people of pitta dosha
but also fab for this season when pitta is high. With the diced cucumber there
is beetroot and pumpkin and on the plate are also bitter Bhrahmi and sour
Sorrel (Gongura) leaves with a dressing of coriander and buttermilk on the
side." The light and refreshing salad was ideal as a precursor to our next
The Diwali Gujiya Course, in which Gujiya shells made of
Khapli Gehu and jowar, were customised with fillings based on individual doshas
of the diners and served with teekha and meetha chutneys. (We had each been
asked to fill in a form that would determine our doshas earlier). Based on the
same, those with a Vata dosha got a badam and paneer filling, those with a Pitta dosha, got a filling of pumpkin and greens. And those with Kapha dosha got
a filling of greens and mushrooms! (Mine was the Pitta option, a crisp casing
filled with a moist filling of pumpkin and greens that was so good that it did
not need any of the accompanying chutney.)

And the meal was beautiful… nuanced, full of good ingredients, colours, textures and positive vibes. I
could gush on about it but that would do it a disservice. The fact that I came away
inspired enough to spend 4 days illustrating it, says it all! I’ve known Amrita
for years, having followed her journey on lifekirecipe.com, through all her
experiments with food, including the OMG Bacon Jam years, going vegetarian years
and exploring Ayurveda years. Today as a certified Ayurveda practitioner, she
seems to be in her element showcasing Ayurvedic principles for everyday use and
her passion shows in the detailing she puts into her cooking workshops, pop-up
meals and more. I think she might have found her calling… and I look forward to
lots more learning and beautiful experiences curated by her (that hopefully
inspire some more foodling too…)
Gyaan and LINKS
Connect with Triple OOO farms, call/connect on whassap at
9116666066 of follow on their Website Instagram
The Classroom by Lafolie is a state-of-the-art studio for interactive
cooking learning and will soon launch Mumbai’s first Bean-to-Bar
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